West Penn Power Energy Efficient Lighting Incentives
All commercial and industrial customers of West Penn Power can now apply to the Non-Standard Lighting for Business Program to receive cash incentives for energy efficient lighting projects. Eligible customers include schools, local governments, institutions, not-for-profits, private businesses, industrial firms, or any other non-residential facility in the West Penn Power territory.
The Non-Standard-Lighting for Business Program provides cash incentives for energy efficient lighting projects, both new construction and retrofit. Equipment must be installed after October 28, 2009 to receive incentives. That means even completed projects with eligible equipment can apply to receive cash back. Incentives available through the Non-Standard-Lighting for Business Program include per-unit incentives as well as performance-based incentives:
- Compact fluorescent lamps, - $1/screw-in lamp or $15/hardwired lamp
- LED exit signs (retrofit only, double or single sided) - $15/sign
- Occupancy sensors - $25/sensor
- Daylighting photosensors - $25/sensor
- All other energy-saving lighting products or technologies are performance-based, and are incentivized at $0.05 per kWh saved. All equipment installed must be code compliant.
November 2, 2011