New Jersey Lighting Rebates

New Jersey SmartStart Building LogoNew Jersey's SmartStart Buildings program offers valuable rebates for commercial and industrial customers looking to implement energy-efficient lighting projects in their facilities. SmartStart is sponsored by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities in partnership with local gas and electric utilities and is funded through the New Jersey Societal Benefits Charge. These rebates are available to non-residential retail electric service customers of Atlantic City Electric, Jersey Central Power & Light, Rockland Electric Company, New Jersey Natural Gas, Elizabethtown Gas, PSE&G, and South Jersey Gas. A summary of the available rebates is shown below:

    Prescriptive Lighting

  • T8 and T5 fluorescent lights with electronic ballast in existing facilities ($15 per fixture, 1-4 lamps)
  • T8 fluorescent lamps to reduced wattage T-8 (28W/25W 4') retrofit with ballast replacement ($10 per fixture, 1-4 lamps)
  • Hard-wired compact fluorescent ($25 - $30 per fixture)
  • Metal halide w/pulse start ($25 per fixture)
  • LED Exit signs ($10/$20 per fixture)
  • T5 and T8 High Bay Fixtures ($16 - $284 per fixture)

    Lighting Controls

  • Wall mounted occupancy sensors ($20 per control)
  • Remote mounted occupancy sensors ($35 per control)
  • Daylight dimmers ($25 per fixture controlled, $50 per fixture for office applications only)
  • Occupancy controlled hi-low fluorescent controls ($25 per fixture controlled)
  • HID or fluorescent high bay controls ($75 per fixture controlled)
  • High bay daylight dimming ($75 per fixture controlled)
This article details the prescriptive rebates available through New Jersey's SmartStart program as well as the process and requirements for getting these incentives. The experts at Relight Depot can help walk you through the process of applying and qualifying for these valuable rebate dollars. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about what products might be used to replace your existing lighting so that you are sure to get the maximum rebate for your project.


The SmartStart Buildings program requires that a pre-approval be granted prior to installation of the energy efficient measures. This means a prescriptive lighting application and the associated worksheet must be completed and signed by the customer before new fixtures are installed. New construction projects must also be located in areas designated for growth in the NJ State Development and Redevelopment Plan. Use the Smart Growth Locator on the NJ Housing and Mortgage Agency website to see if your project qualifies. K-12 schools and retrofit projects are exempt from this requirement. The application process is as follows:
  1. The Customer sends the following materials to the program's Market Manager – TRC Energy Services, Route 9 North, Woodbridge, NJ 07095:
    • Application Form including Worksheets where applicable (dated, completed and signed)
    • Manufacturer's technical data sheet(s) based on the project's specified equipment manufacturer model number(s)
    • Recent full copies of electric and natural gas utility bill(s) for the facility
    • W-9 tax form, unless tax-exempt (dated, completed and signed)
  2. The Market Manager has the option of pre-inspecting the existing facility.
  3. If all paperwork received is in order, the Market Manager sends a Letter of Approval to the Customer. This letter will include the pre-determined timeframe required to complete the installation and submit final "as-built" documentation to the Market Manager.
  4. To receive an incentive, the Customer must not install the proposed new equipment or disconnect the existing equipment before receiving the Letter of Approval from the Market Manager. This pre-approval requirement may be waived by the Market Manager for HVAC equipment, motors, and water heaters that have failed.
  5. Install and submits proof of installation to the Market Manager before the pre-approved timeframe expires. The proof of installation should include:
    • Itemized invoice with breakdown of equipment costs
    • Final "as-built" application indicating any changes from the original application
    • NJ tax clearance certificate (dated and completed)
  6. The Market Manager has the option of inspecting the completed installation.
  7. The Market Manager issues the incentive check, typically within 60 days of receipt of all necessary proof of installation documentation from the Customer and completion of the final inspection (if selected for inspection).

Prescriptive Lighting Incentives

Existing Fixture New Fixture Incentive Example Products
HID, T12 or Incandescent consuming more than 1,000W T5, T5HO or T8 fixture 284 8' 10 Lamp Steel T5HO High Bay
HID, T12 or Incandescent consuming between 400-999W T5, T5HO or T8 fixture 100 4 Lamp T5HO High Bay
HID, T12 or Incandescent consuming between 250-399W T5, T5HO or T8 fixture 50 4 Lamp T8 High Bay
HID consuming between 175-249W T5, T5HO or T8 fixture 45
HID consuming between 100-174W T5, T5HO or T8 fixture 30
HID consuming between 75-99W T5, T5HO or T8 fixture 16
T12 consuming less than 250W T5 or T8 fixture (1 & 2 lamp) 25
T12 consuming less than 250W T5 or T8 fixture (3 & 4 lamp) 30


Commercial & Industrial Market Manager c/o TRC Energy Services 900 Route 9 North, Suite 104 Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Phone: 866-NJSMART (866.657.6278) Fax: 732-855-0422
February 1, 2010 Ray De Varona

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