EPA Announces Energy Star National Building Competition

EPA National Building CompetitionThe Environmental Protection Agency has just announced the ENERGY STAR National Building Competition, the first coast-to-coast contest for commercial buildings to save energy and fight global warming. ENERGY STAR partners are being asked to nominate one or more of the facilities they own or manage from across the country for consideration. Approximately a dozen contest participants will be selected by EPA and will "work off the waste" through improvements in energy efficiency with help from EPA's ENERGY STAR program. The building that reduces its energy use the most on a percentage basis will be recognized by EPA as the winner. Contest participants will take part in outreach activities, periodic "weigh-ins" to measure progress, and a final celebration to announce the winner. This is a great opportunity to receive national recognition from EPA and establish your organization as an environmental leader by entering your building in this exciting national competition!  For more information, or to apply for your building to compete, go to the program web site.  Applications must be submitted by Feb. 12, 2010.
January 14, 2010 Ray De Varona

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