DOE Funds 17 Solid State Lighting Projects

DOE EERE Logo The National Energy Technology Lab has announced on behalf of the US Department of Energy that it is funding 17 solid state lighting projects with over $37M of American Recovery and Reinvestment funds.  The goal of the solid state lighting project is to develop advanced solid-state lighting technologies by the year 2025 that, compared to conventional lighting technologies, are much more energy efficient, longer lasting, and cost competitive by targeting a product system efficiency of 50 percent with lighting that accurately reproduces sunlight spectrum. Three of the projects will focus on the core technology research needed to advance the technical knowledge base of SSL for general illumination purposes, with particular emphasis on meeting efficiency, performance, and cost targets. Six of the projects will focus on the development or improvement of commercially viable SSL source, component, or integrated luminaire products. The remaining eight projects will focus on achieving significant cost reductions and enhancing quality through improvements in manufacturing equipment, processes, or monitoring techniques. Total DOE funding for the 17 projects is nearly $37.8 million. A major DOE objective in funding these projects is to develop, establish, and/or maintain the solid-state lighting technology and manufacturing base within the U.S., which will create jobs and promote our nation's role as a leader in the field.  For a complete listing of the recipients and their associated areas of focus, visit the solid state lighting program page on the DOE web site.
January 19, 2010 Ray De Varona

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